Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Well, today is a Wednesday and Wednesdays usually stink. Today wasn't too bad considering I made some new earrings! I finally put my ball peen hammer and bench block to use and made some great new earrings. Now that I have the supplies, I can finally get into metal working, and I'm super excited about it! I also added a new listing to Etsy today. It is the very popular Sparrow Necklace (at least that's my name for it) and it is listed at $23 including shipping.

I've been talking about my paintings for weeks now and I've finally gotten around to taking pictures of them. So without further ado, my decoupage painting and my geometric painting - both unfinished as of yet.

So, I've been having a lot of fun working on my paintings and jewelry this week. Plus, as it has been cold, I've gotten to work on my infinity scarf. I got some new yarn and am knitting a nice cozy infinity scarf with it. I'm not far on it yet, so no picture. Hopefully I'll get it finished by this weekend so I can work on some other projects (maybe some new listings for Etsy?). A friend of mine told me that my wooden initials I painted and decoupaged were so cool I could sell them, so I've been considering putting them on Etsy. I know sorority letters are hugely popular and could start with them. Still thinking about it, but there is a definite possibility you'll see them on Etsy soon! 

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